lørdag 28. september 2013

una locas dia ! la gente esta muy loca

Some people makes me believe in HUMANITY ! 

The best part  is when  something  good happening to you and you are like YESSS ITS REAL !
Some weeks are so long that it seems like Monday was so long ago ,,,, EMALs email meeting meeting meeting reposrt and slow computer  all the drama inside your head and good stuff like hanging aroud with friends and just making fool  and Loca just becaus you can ! I really dont remember the monday  i still think it was some year ago but anyway i remember this saturday ! i remember today, i remember that it was looong but really  nice day  ...  amazing fooooood ,amazing potato salad that i was 100% sure that its not gonna be nice but it was soooooooooo awesome, i will make it at home , or i just  will ask  Delegates  to make it for me  ! :))

All day  i tried to  help them and tried to be helpfull but  the only thing i did that  really  was worth it, going to store! nothing else just  sitting and listening to spanish ! i was trying to  understand spanish all day  but  its not  so easy  when you  just  understad  1 word from 50 ! some timse even 3 words ! but  anyway  my  head  can  explode when people talk spanish  i  love this language its my  dream  to  spaek  spanish.... i will ........someday in Colombia....hehe...
But  i  writing  this  becaus im  just  impressed  how they  did everything  in time and how they  though about  detailes my  foult was that  i though its gonna come 50  but came more than  30  !They  though about  everything  to make it really  nice evening for everyone !  William and Willan  had a brilliant  presentation about Colombia and   i will tell them that  it was amazing  funny  and so much interesting  information  and how they  talk  about  their country so proud of  every inch of the land,  i am  also proud of Colombia i love this country i still dont know why  !my personal opinian is that the best things came from latin America everything Great  and awesome is there and the best people are from there the people that i miss are there  !

After was the FOOD .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ i will dream about  potato salad !

 and some dancing ! i will never learn how to dance salsa its impossible ! but i like to watch ! :))

In the end people start to leave so we start to  clean up ... but then when we almost finished William didnt want  my help i still wonder why maybe i didnt  do dishes well or  flour was still dirty after my  cleaning but any way ...........

 it was like that :
im cleaning ....
William: Dasha?!
Dasha unsurlyyy : yeeesss??
W: can you do some thing for me !?!
D: yeess !!''unsure''
W: Can you go home ?!!!!!!!

i was totally sure that i heard it wrong !!
but  not it was truth ! he wanted me to  go home and not  helping  him ! :(

That was NEW ! I never  had such an experience , i always was the one that  saying to people go home  !!! surprisingly it felt soooooooo good to go home and wierd  a bit !!

Another thing that makes me really glad that i will sleep tomorrow  til 1 pm  or maybe my mum will wake me up at 8 am -__- who knows !!

mandag 23. september 2013

Its just a matter of time

Its been a while seens i  wrote something  here everytime i  forgeting or  something  come in the way or  i was just  too busy !
After  such  along years,month or weeks ,days and night  sometimes you  forgetting  little deteils for example you  trying  to fight  for your word and you  don't  see that you ruining  your relationship with  your friends your group or  what ever  you  do even tough it was just missunderstanding even that you actually  didn't  mean  that ... you going to get hard time after awhile  to find out  what  you did wrong  and you  see that  its too late, people are agaist you and its just not fair. 
Its really  painfull to see that your freind actually  being  hurt by it ! 
 I really  dont  know what to say  and why  im writing that i  really  wanted to  blog something  nice and cute and just i  will actually  write something  nice after these things i have to write ... but  first  i will just  call the truth......
This is how it is  People make mistake . you  will judge them , be cruel against  them  think about  that  you  are also  one of  them  maybe somewhere someone judge you  as you  do  for somebody , WHO ARE YOU TO DO THAT ! Who  are you  to  deside who  can  what  and why  you  have to  do that ! and why  dont  you say  it in the same time its happend why  you  have to wait  for 1 month to  be pain.. for someone  to tell them  that something  was wrong ? If  You think  somthing  was actually you  can  say it in another way ! FIX IT ! dont  try  to  trash it in the garbage  or if  you  will do  all that mistake you get  hurt your self ! And the other  thing is that people can  get  second chances dont  take it away from them you are not god to judge if  there is any god out there !

onsdag 11. september 2013

Youthdelegates in Tromsø

Now all the 6 youthdelegates from Colombia ,Zimbabwe and Nepal are here in Tromsø and im happy as i usually am when delegates coming !

we went out after  long  day  with Street Mediation  Gatamegling
english and Norwegian  at the same time with 2 translators and it was tragicly hard.... then after all this hours with street mediation and icebreakers and many thing that we learned we went  out with delegates it was me and the 5 of youthdelegates were hanging out in Tromsø with me poor June was to tired to walk so he went to sleep , thats why we were how many we were .

Ones we  went out we start to take alot of  pictures so much that my memory  card was full to have more picture inside .. but  still i manage to  delete some pictur for taking better one !

I guide them to the turist ship called
by Hurtigrutenvery nice ship that my Friend tried so much to stay there  play chess and go inside the jacuzzi , everything  made perfect  for them  to  go around the town  wether was perfect and i dare to say  it was warm !

taking  ictur of  every their move take so long that we needed to  come back to Red Cross House and eat  dinner and even  at  dinner William and willian  told me that they  going to teach me how to cook .... not gonna happen ! cooking is not mine... !!! Good day was yesterday i hope they  gonna have awesome week and i really  hope that they gonna remember  Tromsø beautiful and relaxing ! and not  so much rain ! RAIN, they  can  get it in Bergen ! Here is nice with out it ! and i hope i will be part of that good memory ! 

onsdag 4. september 2013

awesome start of week with Red Cross Youthdelegates

I got the chance finally meet  Colombian Youthdelegates that coming to Troms Red Cross  and bonus pack was to get good good day with all the youthdelegates of 2013-2014 international and Norwegian ones ! we did so much fun together and had so much interesting conversations and of cours too much meetings that also important.

The most amazing moment was to feel how they are enthusiastic about Norwegian Red Cross  about each word about each task how they gonna manage each challeng and how they will do that .... it was so amazing to see in their eyes the shining that was about to change small things in the world that matter so much i really was happy  to be part of  them  those days ! I wish you all good luck and i hope you will enjoy staying in Tromsø .

tirsdag 3. september 2013

welcoming myself !

So my name is Darya im from Russia , every russian name has a short version  so  i  really like to be called by my short name Dasha, im 20 years old and i live in North Norway the Troms District and Tromsø town that called Northen paris  !  Now i start all over  again blogging and writing about my volunteerly work in Red Cross and Red Cross Youth  and my artwork/design.Mostly i do that to remember  what i have done in the past ! i will try to not complain and write about awesome experience i had .