lørdag 28. september 2013

una locas dia ! la gente esta muy loca

Some people makes me believe in HUMANITY ! 

The best part  is when  something  good happening to you and you are like YESSS ITS REAL !
Some weeks are so long that it seems like Monday was so long ago ,,,, EMALs email meeting meeting meeting reposrt and slow computer  all the drama inside your head and good stuff like hanging aroud with friends and just making fool  and Loca just becaus you can ! I really dont remember the monday  i still think it was some year ago but anyway i remember this saturday ! i remember today, i remember that it was looong but really  nice day  ...  amazing fooooood ,amazing potato salad that i was 100% sure that its not gonna be nice but it was soooooooooo awesome, i will make it at home , or i just  will ask  Delegates  to make it for me  ! :))

All day  i tried to  help them and tried to be helpfull but  the only thing i did that  really  was worth it, going to store! nothing else just  sitting and listening to spanish ! i was trying to  understand spanish all day  but  its not  so easy  when you  just  understad  1 word from 50 ! some timse even 3 words ! but  anyway  my  head  can  explode when people talk spanish  i  love this language its my  dream  to  spaek  spanish.... i will ........someday in Colombia....hehe...
But  i  writing  this  becaus im  just  impressed  how they  did everything  in time and how they  though about  detailes my  foult was that  i though its gonna come 50  but came more than  30  !They  though about  everything  to make it really  nice evening for everyone !  William and Willan  had a brilliant  presentation about Colombia and   i will tell them that  it was amazing  funny  and so much interesting  information  and how they  talk  about  their country so proud of  every inch of the land,  i am  also proud of Colombia i love this country i still dont know why  !my personal opinian is that the best things came from latin America everything Great  and awesome is there and the best people are from there the people that i miss are there  !

After was the FOOD .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ i will dream about  potato salad !

 and some dancing ! i will never learn how to dance salsa its impossible ! but i like to watch ! :))

In the end people start to leave so we start to  clean up ... but then when we almost finished William didnt want  my help i still wonder why maybe i didnt  do dishes well or  flour was still dirty after my  cleaning but any way ...........

 it was like that :
im cleaning ....
William: Dasha?!
Dasha unsurlyyy : yeeesss??
W: can you do some thing for me !?!
D: yeess !!''unsure''
W: Can you go home ?!!!!!!!

i was totally sure that i heard it wrong !!
but  not it was truth ! he wanted me to  go home and not  helping  him ! :(

That was NEW ! I never  had such an experience , i always was the one that  saying to people go home  !!! surprisingly it felt soooooooo good to go home and wierd  a bit !!

Another thing that makes me really glad that i will sleep tomorrow  til 1 pm  or maybe my mum will wake me up at 8 am -__- who knows !!

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