mandag 23. september 2013

Its just a matter of time

Its been a while seens i  wrote something  here everytime i  forgeting or  something  come in the way or  i was just  too busy !
After  such  along years,month or weeks ,days and night  sometimes you  forgetting  little deteils for example you  trying  to fight  for your word and you  don't  see that you ruining  your relationship with  your friends your group or  what ever  you  do even tough it was just missunderstanding even that you actually  didn't  mean  that ... you going to get hard time after awhile  to find out  what  you did wrong  and you  see that  its too late, people are agaist you and its just not fair. 
Its really  painfull to see that your freind actually  being  hurt by it ! 
 I really  dont  know what to say  and why  im writing that i  really  wanted to  blog something  nice and cute and just i  will actually  write something  nice after these things i have to write ... but  first  i will just  call the truth......
This is how it is  People make mistake . you  will judge them , be cruel against  them  think about  that  you  are also  one of  them  maybe somewhere someone judge you  as you  do  for somebody , WHO ARE YOU TO DO THAT ! Who  are you  to  deside who  can  what  and why  you  have to  do that ! and why  dont  you say  it in the same time its happend why  you  have to wait  for 1 month to  be pain.. for someone  to tell them  that something  was wrong ? If  You think  somthing  was actually you  can  say it in another way ! FIX IT ! dont  try  to  trash it in the garbage  or if  you  will do  all that mistake you get  hurt your self ! And the other  thing is that people can  get  second chances dont  take it away from them you are not god to judge if  there is any god out there !

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