onsdag 11. desember 2013

super volunteers

The whole point  with  blogging  its kind of get  of  my  mind and let  the words out  for couple of  moments but  right  now its about  sharing  with  who ever  gonna reed this post gonna know how was my  fall and start  of  winter LOOOOOOOOOONG NORWEGIAN WINTER , and how its end in desember and who helped me and took care of me and who  actually  cared about  things i care .

I wanna cry right now because there is  only  couple of  days left  that  i  will see them , yes there is a chance that  i  will meet them  again in  some other  places in Norway  but  its not gonna be the same .... i  will not  spend all day  long  with  them laugh and bully eachothert its gonna be empty  after you  its gonna be sad its gonna be cold with  out you and walking to  the store to  buy  stuff going to be harder  I HAVE TO  CARRY everything  my self  and im not  gonna be mushroom anymore  i will  not  go  down town  to  buy yogurt heaven anymore not alone ... I  will try  to work  as hard  as i did when  you  were here  but  my  motivation  exactly  for these past  monthes were them i  hope i  will manage somehow i  will  try  to  find something  else i  have my  crazy  people here that  will get  me bussy .

its very  sissy  to write about  this or  kind of  seems fake but  its true its really  hunest , i  was really  afraid to  work with you even  for couple of month  because you were not  the happiest  persons to  met  us at  first  day  you  were sceptical  and trying  to  ignore us as much as it possible i was angry  at  you  and you   didnt  want  to  smile for me to  take a picture you  were only  smiling  when  it was neccesery so  i thought my  presents its when you  dont wanna smile , i  still remember that  and i  will never  forget .
when  you  came to  Tromsø for the first time i was scared that  its gonna be very  big  challange to  work  with you i think  you  felt  the same  it was akward every single word i  would say  to you and everything  i  would do  seems crazy  or  not logical  for you , yes you  have been told that  i am  crazy  so  ... yess...

After awile we start to  get  use to eachother  or  you  got  use to me i just  was wondering  around .. when you  start  to really  helping  me in  every single detail small or  big  from carrying the bags to make fall camp work i didnt  know what  i  could do  with out you  how could i  survive this fall you put  all your energy  all your time with out  any single day off you  gave your 100% positive input you  motivated so many people you  showed what  is actually is importante and why  we are volunteers , you  motivate me to continue to  want  more from my self  you were there for me in all kind of  situation and i  always knew that  you  care and you  are there all of us knew that , you  gave us so much  idea so much gold words priceless to  work with that i will never  forget , in so  little and short  piriode you did more than  people usually  do in  many years .... so much  active so much  energy  where it come from ?! you  thought us this too at  least  you  tried ,we will practice it after .. 

DONT STRESS PLEASE i will never  forget this you  all the time told me this but  im  not  stressing  right now but  i  have your  both  voices in  my  head  that  keep saying that  its kind of  creepy  of me and crazy  but  i  got  use to  you two im  not  stressing not  but  when i did you  were always there to help  everysingle step .....
im  not  stressing  now im  just  happy  that  i met  you  and im  really  sad that  i  have to  say  goodbye its your last days here and everyday  people talking  about  that you leaving  and what  is you  next  stop what  you  will do  im really  happy  for you  really  really  exited and this is just  part  of  your journey and its finished now its start  of new begining you  will meet  alot  of awesome people and you  wil motivate alots of other  volunteers and many  youth to be volunteers im happy  that  other people get  that  chance that  i  got .

Thank you  that  you've been so  pationt with me so  calm  and so carrying so  helpfull and thank you  that  you  became so  good friends to me thanks to both  of you  that  you never  ever  said noo to  any favor  that i  asked you just  the first  one when in Sørmarka you  didnt  want to smile but  its okei  i  will get trough that  one though .

Im not  actually  looking  forward to  say  goodbye to you  at  sunday im  scared im  very  happy  that  i  get  the chance to know you two  you  are so different and so intresting  in  totally  differente ways and so  funny you  made me laugh so much  i  bullied you soooooo much and you  both  too and i loved that moments  i will miss you so much  and Red Cross House will be so empty with out you , we all going to miss you .

i will miss arguing at  loud about  dragon ball and naruto Marvel superheroes and how much  tricks you  showed me with  the fingers .... we always had something to joke with  and how much  bad english i tought you . its funny to  see how suddenly  people becoming  such an important part of your life so fast  and for so short time .


                                               dragon ball fire
in feed

at least you have been in jekta
and cinderella finally gave me something from colombia
but  remember  where you  going  and heading to is beautifull so  enjoy there as much as you can and be awesome couse you are so  good at it .
you will miss Our madness

im sure you will miss us !!!!


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